*** Playground memories ***
Hey there!

Collective ROUNDABOUT is an ongoing project between curator Anna Tudos and artist duo Maria and Henri, investigating play, the freedom to play and contemporary spaces of play in an urban environment.
Through AR (Augmented Reality), performance, community-centred workshops and pop-up play structures, we program a series of activities that initiate new ways to play across different locations and in the minds and bodies of participants (kids and grown-ups alike).

We love hearing stories on play and playgrounds. Contribute to our research on playground memories by answering to the questions below. Check out our website at www.roundaboutproject.co.uk or drop us an email at info@roundaboutproject.co.uk if you'd like to find out more!

Maria, Anna & Henrietta
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Where are you from and where do you live now?
Where did you use to play as a kid when you went outdoors?
Did you play in a group or rather on your own?
Do you have a funny/dramatic/romantic story that happened on the playground?
What kind of elements, play structures or toys/games can you describe that your playground(s) had? What was your favorite?
Do you think there was a difference in the way you played compared to other families, other regions, nations, etc.?
Is there anything that you are missing from contemporary playgrounds? If you have children, what is it that you would like to see them play with nowadays?
Is there anything else that you think could be interesting for us and relates to playgrounds / playground history?
If we were to build an app containing the stories, would you be willing to collaborate with us and send a voice recording/video/photo?
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Would you like to receive further information about the project?
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If you answered 'yes' to any of the previous two questions, please leave us your e-mail address:
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