My Avenues - Parent Registration Form
Dear Parents,
We as parents and teachers always look forward to imparting our children the best available education. Education creates a very strong foundation for a successful career. In order to impart holistic education subjects like work education have been added to the curriculum.

Students generally have a limited direct exposure to the world of work. They may have heard stories from adults who are passionate about their work and enjoy most aspects of their work or otherwise. At this stage, our students have quite some time before they actually start working. But when people at work share their excitement with these kids, they might begin to feel that any profession can be wonderful. They can then sensibly choose one career option over the other, rather than choosing by elimination.

We want children to understand and virtually experience the journey of your career. They would understand how a career is created, and there is so much to do even after cracking the exams and clearing the interviews. In fact the most thrilling and exciting part of the journey begins after starting the career. The students could look forward to that excitement.

We would like to invite eminent careerists like you to share your journey with our students. You could even acquaint them with some skills that you have mastered over the years. Your talk may include the following points:
With what vision has your organization been formed? Have you met the founders? What do they (or you) stand for? What excited you that made you join (or form) the organization? Whom do you serve? What problems do you solve? How do you make use of your learnings and habits from school in your career? How do you keep getting better? What were some of the tough times? How did you bounce back? Can you describe your productive working relationships with your colleagues?

These career talks can be scheduled as per mutual convenience and will be open to students from Std 8 onward. We encourage you to be a part of this venture. To participate kindly fill in this form by 20th December.

We look forward to your response.

Committee for Co Education
PTA 2017-18
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Email *
Ref No. and Name of the student *
Std and Division *
Name of the parent *
Career you wish to talk about *
What do you wish to tell the students while inviting them for your career talk? Please give a brief description here. *
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