Registration for SSF IBM zDatathon on September 24th, 2022 - WAITLIST
Thank you for your interest in attending IBM zDatathon on Sept 24th! Please read through this registration form thoroughly and complete all sections.

Registration Deadline: Sep 16th - After this, you will be waitlisted

Mandatory Prep Events (You will receive more info on this after registering):
Pre-Datathon Webinar Event - September 2nd
IBM zDay - September 15th

IBM zDatathon Event Date: Sep 24 - 25 (24 hour event)

ALL College Students are welcome!! Must be 18+

Bring your passion to make a difference!

Learn More at:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full Name *
Email *
Phone Number (with country code) *
College Name *
Degree *
Major Area of Study (Computer / Electronics / Physics etc) *
Currently - which Year of College are you in ? *
College City *
College State *
College Country *
How did you hear about the event? (IBM Employee, Community Organization, School, Friends, Whatsapp, Instagram, FB, Email) - Describe the exact place / person you got this from *
Gender *
Age *
Are you a Shooting Stars Foundation Scholar ? *
Clear selection
Is this your first hackathon ? *
Is this your first IBM zDatathon? *
Are you registering with a team? (All team members need to register separately) *
If yes, please list the names of your teammates. (You can always edit your response and add teammates if you find some later on!)
Your proficiency in coding *
I have never coded before
I can code proficiently in multiple languages
Please list any coding experience you might have - if not say N/A  i.e App Development, Java, HTML - mention any coding language *
List top 2 reasons why you are interested in joining this hackathon ? *
Write 3 sentences about your professional goal on what you will be doing in 5 years from now
Liability Waiver Form
By saying yes below, I hereby waive, release, and discharge any and all claims for damages for personal injury, property damages, or which may hereafter occur to me  as a result of participation in said event. This release is intended to discharge in advance - Shooting Stars Foundation Inc and their respective officers, employees, staff and student and adult volunteers from liability, even though that liability may arise out of perceived negligence on the part of persons mentioned above. I hereby give my consent to Shooting Stars Foundation to take photographs, video recordings, and/or sound recordings of me  during their participation in the event. I grant Shooting Stars Foundation my permission to use the negatives, prints, motion picture, video tapings, or any other reproduction of the same for promotional purposes on flyers, on the World Wide Web, or in any other manner deemed necessary. I expressly state that I have read, understand and am familiar with all provisions herein. I understand that this release is a contract and I sign it of my own free will. I agree to all terms and provisions herein.
I accept the Liability Waiver form above *
Name of Signee *
Please follow Shooting Stars Foundation Linked In Page  for further updates of this event  and future events        and also like the StarHack FB Page for subsequent updates reg this event and future events *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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