Bude Local Products Event - Business Survey
This survey aims to find out your thoughts on participation in an event showcasing local products.

Transition Bude is a newly formed grass-roots community group which is investigating ways in which Bude and the surrounding parishes can become more resilient in the face of natural and man-made crises.

We have recently conducted a public survey about the future of Bude and around 230 people responded. We found out that "Local Community" has become significantly more important to people since the COVID pandemic and one aspect of this is the desire to buy more products that are grown or produced locally.

In response to this, Transition Bude is keen to set up a project which supports the purchase of local goods by staging an event showcasing local goods/services from local retailers.

There are 12 questions in this survey and it should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.

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Your name: *
Contact email address: *
Contact phone number: *
What is the name of your retail business? *
What type of goods or services do you provide? *
Do you currently provide any products you would describe as local (Bude/Cornwall/South West)?
Are you involved in any local shopping scheme at present? (If yes, please let us know the name of the scheme at the end of the survey)
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Would you be interested in being involved in an event to promote local goods and services? *
If you answered Yes to the previous question, what sort of event would you prefer?(1=great idea, 2=good idea, 3=not  sure, 4=doubtful idea, 5=bad idea)
Involvement in national schemes such as Totally Locally
Signposting local products via labels and posters
Loyalty card type scheme with discounts and/or prizes
Vouchers which enable holders to get discounts on local products
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Is there another sort of event you would be prepared to support?
Would you be prepared to offer discounts and/or prizes?
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If you answered Yes to the previous question, what sort of discounts or prizes would you be prepared to offer?
If you answered Yes to the previous question, what is the value of discounts/prizes you would be prepared to offer?
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Do you have any other comments on this topic for Transition Bude?
Please complete and return the survey by 31st January 2021.
If you have any queries about the questions on this survey then please contact transition.bude@gmail.com

Many thanks

Jackie, Sue and Philippa from the Transition Bude team

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