QVE Audition Form
Auditions for the Quintessential Vocal Ensemble 2024-2025 season will be held Tuesday, August 20 and Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 6 pm to 9 pm at the MUN School of Music (Instrumental Room). Auditions are by appointment only. To register, please complete and submit the application form below. Applicants will be contacted by email with the time of the audition.

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age as of December 31, 2024. Exemptions may be made for high school students for in-demand vocal ranges. Previous musical experience and ability to read music are assets.

The audition process is short and informal. We want a chance to get to know you a little, as well as to hear you sing. A typical audition will involve a vocal range check, an aural skills exercise, and sight-singing a passage of choral music to gauge reading level and vocal blend. All applicants will be notified of results within 3 days following the audition date.

QVE's rehearsal and performance season runs typically from September to April (sometimes with additional events in late spring and summer). Regular rehearsals are Sundays 5 pm to 7 pm in the Choral Room at the MUN School of Music. QVE's annual membership fee is $250, payable in two installments of $125 in September and January. A limited number of bursaries to assist with the cost of fees are available based on financial need, and may be requested upon successful admission to the choir.
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Email *
Personal Information
Name *
First and last name
Phone number *
Mailing address *
Date of birth *
Preferred pronouns
Check all that apply
Parent/Guardian Information
To be completed if Application is under 18 years of age
Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Parent/Guardian E-mail Address(es)
Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s)
Musical Background
Section/vocal range - check all that apply (this will not necessarily commit you to a section) *
Please list any instruments you play.
Please summarize your musical experience, including past and current membership in other choirs, and any other musical organizations (e.g., School Choir, Community Choir, NSO, etc.), and indicate years of involvement.
Please tell us in a few words why you are interested in joining our choir.
Any other comments/concerns?
Email notice
Provision of your email address indicates that you consent to receive email from QVE in accordance with Canadian anti-spam legislation. Please note that email shall be the primary means of communication between QVE and choir members (and parents/guardians if applicable) for all choir business.
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