BDML Teen Center: Discord Invite Request
The Booth & Dimock Memorial Library's Teen Center Discord Community is meant to be safe virtual space for Coventry teens to chat, share, and stay informed about stuff happening at BDML Teen Center.

This community server is a teen-only space moderated by trained BDML Youth Services staff. You must be 12-18 to be a member. 

This server is brand new as of 11/16/2023. Help spread the word to build up this community and the BDML Teen Center!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Library Card Number *
We require an active library card so we can verify that you're a real Coventry teen. If you do not have a library card, you can apply for one at

If you're using a parent's library card, please note that, along with the name on the card here. 
Age *
Grade *
Discord Username *
Email Address for the invite *
Do you also want to receive emails about Teen Center stuff? *
By checking this box, I confirm that my legal guardian is aware and approves of my use of Discord to engage with the BDML Teen Center community. *
Discord Community Rules
The name of our Community Server on Discord is "BDML Teen Center."

This server is intended as a safe virtual space for Coventry teens to chat, share, and stay informed about stuff happening at BDML Teen Center.

You must be a Coventry teen between ages 13-18 to be a member. 

Upon entry into the server, you will need to agree to the following server rules:
  1. This is strictly a teens only (Grades 6-12) server moderated by BDML's Youth Services Librarians.
  2. Be excellent to each other. Let's make this a positive community.
  3. Absolutely no harassment, bullying, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.
  4. Keep it clean!
  5. Listen to staff. Staff will edit the rules as needed.
  6. Do not disclose personal information or violate the privacy of others.
  7. No trolling or spamming.
  8. Any trouble, let staff know here or via
Library staff will monitor all server activity regularly to ensure a safe and positive community experience for all.

Contact BDML's Head of Teen Services, Kayla, at with any questions.
I understand and agree to the server rules. *
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