PHS Membership Renewal Form

Membership costs £10 per year and includes access to the annual general meeting each year with voting rights as designated by our constitution, entry to one free special event per year (usual price £6) and priority invitation to other organised events  on a first-come, first-served basis, 20% discount on PHS Publishing activities, the opportunity to meet with like-minded people and guest speakers at events, volunteer with individual projects and research, receipt electronically of periodic society newsletters covering topics of general and specific interest including reports on activities, memorabilia acquisitions and other archive items. If you are aged between 18 and 21 (on August 31) you are entitled to a free membership which includes all the benefits above except for voting rights. 12-month membership is either seasonal (with an August 1 renewal date and initial applications open from May to November) or annual (with a February 1 renewal date and initial applications open from December to April).

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Registered Charity No. 1201687                                                                            
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Date of Birth
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I would like to renew my membership of the Pompey History Society.  *
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