Project Footprints Assistance Application
Project Footprints mission is to serve individuals and families in our community impacted by emergency situations.

Requests are processed on a first come, first serve basis within the constraints of our budget and established criteria.  Project Footprints support is typically under $400; higher amounts will be considered on a limited basis.

Please provide complete information so the board can accurately consider your request.
All information is confidential between applicant, referral, and Project Footprints.

If you are asking for assistance with bills, please forward a copy of the bill via email to or via mail to 14 Freeman Lane, Joliet, MT 59041
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Address *
Employer (Last or Current) *
How many adults in the household? *
How many children in the household? *
What are the ages and relationships to applicant of those in the household? *
Describe the circumstances of the emergency situation and why there is a need for assistance. *
What is the specific request of Project Footprints? *
What is the amount of funds being requested? *
When are the funds needed by? *
Application is complete and you certify that the information provided is correct to the best of your knowledge.
Referral form is complete if you were referred by an agency or individual. 
If person completing this application is different than applicant, what is your name and relationship to applicant? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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