ElevateEdAZ Internship Application Form
Thank you for your interest in internship opportunities. These experiences are intended for students in their Senior year of their Career and Technical Education or Learning Pathway Programs and will be coordinated through your ElevateEdAZ College and Career Coach. Please answer the following questions to secure your interest. Your responses will help us coordinate the best experience tailored to your needs. Please be aware we cannot guarantee you will be matched to an internship placement but will do our best to secure high-quality opportunities for as many students as possible.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Student Personal Email Address
Student School Email Address *
Guardian email name and Email Address  *
What school year are you needing an internship? *
CTE or Learning Pathway Program(Example: Construction)  *
CTE or Learning Pathway Teacher *
School Where You Attend Your CTE Program or Learning Pathway *
Current Grade: *
When will you be 18 years of age? *
Do you have reliable transportation? *
Do you need assistance acquiring transportation? *
Are you able to complete the required internship hours for the 2023-2024 school year? Please select your school district. *
Are you able to complete the required internship hours for the 2024 Spring Term? Please select your school district.  *
Are you able to work 6-12 internships hours a week throughout the school year? *
What time ranges are you available to work internship hours? (The hours provided are ranges, not work schedules). Check all that apply. *
Will you have an early release schedule your Senior year? *
Are you currently employed? *
Please list three businesses or internship roles you would be interested in working at.  *
Thank you
Thank you for your time. Your campus ElevateEdAZ College and Career Coach or CTE Teacher will contact you as opportunities become available. Please contact us if you have additional questions.  
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