Boston COVID-Tutoring (BCT) Registration
Boston COVID-Tutoring (BCT) is a high school student-led volunteer group seeking to virtually tutor elementary and middle schoolers who can not afford a tutor. Please note that all of our tutoring sessions are held online (most of which are on Zoom). If you would like to register your child to get tutored through BCT, please fill out the following form. If you have multiple siblings that would like to receive tutoring, please fill out one form for each sibling.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please indicate whose email is used for registration (parent/guardian or student). *
Phone number *
Student First and Last Name *
Parent/Guardian First and Last Name *
Town and State of Residence *
School *
What is your age? *
What is grade? (please indicate your grade in the Fall of 2022) *
Subject in which you wish to be tutored (please limit the max number of subjects to 2) *
Please note that starting in the summer of 2021, tutoring sessions will be limited for two subjects as many of our high school and college volunteers will not have as much time to devote to our program in the summer. Additionally, we may not be able to initially guarantee we will be able to match your student with a tutor immediately with the interested subjects.
What days of the week are you available to meet? *
Please note that starting in the fall, tutors will only be meeting with their tutees once per week.
Do you have access to the application Zoom? If not, how would you like to be tutored? (e.g. FaceTime, Google Meet, etc.) *
Please note that most of our tutoring sessions are held online via Zoom. If you don't currently have the app, please consider downloading it on your device(s) if you are able to.
How did you hear about us? Please be specific (which website, which Facebook page, etc.) *
Do you hereby grant and authorize Boston COVID-Tutoring the right to take, edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, distribute and make use of any and all pictures or videos taken of your child (the tutee) in and/or for any lawful promotional materials including, but not limited to, newsletters, flyers, posters, brochures, advertisements, fundraising letters, submissions to journalists, websites, social networking sites and other print and digital communications, without payment or any other consideration? (in particular, pictures potentially may be used on our website and social media platforms including Instagram and Facebook) *
By writing your name at the end of this question, you hereby agree to give Boston COVID-Tutoring and our tutors full consent to tutor your child, acknowledging that our high school and college volunteers are not certified professionals and may have not undergone background and CORI checks. You hereby agree not to pursue legal action against Boston COVID-Tutoring – or any members of Boston COVID-Tutoring's leadership team as represented on this website – if anything occurs during tutoring sessions or during any form of communication between our tutors and your child or our tutors and you or any other adult. By signing this form, you acknowledge that you are the legal guardian of the student receiving tutoring. 

We promise that we will do our best to serve all students in need, and if you have any questions, please email
Do you want your tutor to communicate directly with your child, or do you prefer they communicate directly with you. *
How do you prefer your tutor communicates with you and/or your child? *
For how many weeks would you like your child to receive tutoring? Please note: after your weeks expire, you can renew your sessions by signing up again. *
Is this your first time signing up your child for Boston COVID-Tutoring? *
Is there anything else you would like to say or ask? (optional)
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This form was created inside of Buckingham Browne & Nichols School.