Washington STEM Festival Attendee Registration
The Washington County STEM Festival will be held November 30, 2017 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm at the Kirkwood Washington County Regional Center.  The goal of the festival is to nurture interests of children and families in the exciting fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

The event is free and open to the public.  Pre-registration is encouraged but not required.

After completing the form, a email confirmation will be sent.  Please print this confirmation to bypass the registration at the event.
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Email *
School district(s) participants attend
First Name *
Last Name
Registrant's Phone Number (will only be used for notification of prize winners)
Number of adults *
Number of children under 5
Number of children in grades preK-2
Number of children in grades 3-5
Number of children in grades 6-8
Number of children in grades 9-12
Number of male attendees *
Number of female attendees *
Majority ethnicity of registrants
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My zip code is: *
How did you hear about the festival?  Select all that apply *
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