ICANN Community Excellence Award 2020: Nomination Form
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Nomination Form Instructions:
Please fill in all required fields to submit a nomination for the 2020 ICANN Community Excellence Award Process. If you wish to nominate multiple ICANN community members, please fill in a form for each nominee. Nominations should include all necessary information against the award criteria for the community panel to understand why the nominee should be selected as this year's recipient.  

Please submit any further documentation in support of your nomination or any questions about the nomination process to excellenceaward2020@icann.org.

Nominations close on 27 March 2020.
Please note that any personal data collected and stored via the submission of this form is subject to ICANN’s Privacy Policy and in addition will not be published or shared with anyone outside the community evaluation panel.
Award Overview:
Nominator Information:
Your Name (Nominator): *
Your Email Address: *
Community of Nominator/Person Completing Form: *
If "Other", Please Specify:
Nominee Information:
Name of Nominee: *
Community of Nominee: *
If "Other" Please Specify:
Please Review the 2020 ICANN Community Excellence Award Criteria:
Please explain how the nominee meets the award criteria # 1: *
Captionless Image
Please explain how the nominee meets the award criteria # 2: *
Captionless Image
Please explain how the nominee meets the award criteria # 3: *
Captionless Image
Please provide any further information in support of your nomination for panelists to review during the deliberation process as appropriate:
If called upon, would you be willing to discuss your nomination with panelists during the selection process via a conference call? *
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