Finding Solace in Solitude: Literary Variations on Solitude, with Ruth Bianco and Michael Zammit | Sea Sunset Moon
Contained within the experience of solitude are two opposed ways of experiencing the world. Solitude is synonymous with melancholia, with abandonment and with pain, but on the other hand, solitude is also an invitation for self reflection.

As an accompaniment their essayistic contributions to Sea Sunset Moon, Ruth Bianco and Michael Zammit sit down with curator Gabriel Zammit to have a chat about the literary history of solitude as well as whether it is possible to find solace in solitude within the contemporary moment.

Date & Time: Tuesday 5th April 2022 at 7pm
Location: Space A, Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta

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● Adequate and easily accessible hand sanitisers at the entrance of the premises and in common areas are in place: patrons are to sanitise their hands prior to entrance.

● Patrons must wear masks or visors while on the premises.

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