Registreerumine konverentsile "Eesti sõjapõgenikud II maailmasõjas" / Registration for the conference "Estonian Refugees in World War II"
Haapsalu kultuurikeskuses (Posti 3) 24.08. kl 10.00-16.30
At the Haapsalu Cultural Centre (Posti 3, Haapsalu) on 24th August from 10am–4.30pm
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Ees- ja perekonnanimi / First name and Surname *
Asutus, keda esindate (kui on) / Organisation
E-posti aadress / e-mail address
Kas osalete õhtul Haapsalu Toomkirikus Raimo Kangro „Missa süütult hukkunud eestlastele“ ettekandel? / Will you attend the "Mass for the Estonians Who Died Innocently", by Raimo Kangro at the Haapsalu Dome Church?
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Kas soovite edaspidi saada teavitusi Eesti Mälu Instituudi sündmuste kohta? / Would you like to keep receiving information about Estonian Institute of Historical Memory events?
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