Expense & Reimbursement Form
This form can be used by any individual (including non-PFLAG members) to get reimbursed for expenses associated with an item / event previously approved by PFLAG SGV API board members (if such expense requires board approvals).  Multiple expenses for the same project / event can be grouped into one form; it's not necessary to submit multiple forms for each item.
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Email *
What is this expense / reimbursement for?
Expense Funding *
Expense Type *
Multiple expenses for the same event / project can be grouped into one form and one total.  No need to submit multiple forms.
Amount *
Payee *
Address to Send Check (Optional)
Check request can be sent directly by the bank to vendor / service provider when address is known.  Reimbursement check can also be sent directly by the bank to requester.  If no address has been entered, check will be delivered by Treasurer in person.
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