Shelf Help @ Dearborn Public Library
Shelf Help is a Dearborn Public Library reader's advisory service. Fill out this form and a librarian will personally choose up to five items to place on hold for you. You will receive an email or phone notification to pick up books at your chosen location when available.

Fill out and submit a separate form for each individual. The same library card can be used multiple times. There is a thirty item limit per account for requests. If you have previous requests or request multiple times with the same card, you may not be eligible for Shelf Help.

If you would like to request specific items, please visit 
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Email address: *
Name on library card *
Library Card Number *
Pickup Location *
Age of reader (If requesting for child, please choose age of child) *
Formats *
Please answer as many of the following questions as you'd like. The more we know, the better we can fulfill your request. Please note, our librarians do not read every book recommended. It is up to each individual or their caregiver to evaluate a book's content and appropriateness for the reader.
I like to read:
I'd like to learn about...(non-fiction examples include alphabet, sharks, shapes, gardening, colors, photography, numbers, gaming, real people, potty training, etc.)
I like these authors:
I've read and liked these books:
Music - Choose as many music genres as you'd like and up to 10 CDs will be chosen randomly.
Anything else we should know to help pick out the best materials for you? (Ex: No more than three items; no violence; I don't like this author; no kissing; prefer paperbacks; holidays; etc.)
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