Improv Class Sign Up Form
Please fill out this  form prior to the improv classes if  you are interested.  
Interested in taking short form improv class for the humor impaired? Learn to play basic collaborative improv games, developing your effectiveness to improvise in the moment, at work, school or play. You will develop character, collaboration and comedy as a team player.

1st week we will work on Character, allowing people to come out of their shells and feel comfortable with other improv actors.

2nd week focuses on Collaboration, learning to cooperate with other actors in the class, learning how to lead and follow.

3rd week works on Comedy, learning to sharpen your joke-telling skills and focus on how to make scenes more comical.

4th week focus on Plot-Intensive and Cue-Intensive games.

5th week focuses on more specialized games and rehearsal for showcasing your talents.

6th week is the recital to showcase what you've learned to friends and family!

Your skill level will vary, but as you gain knowledge of all areas above, you can advance and learn more by taking an advance class later if there’s enough interest and students to focus on: detail work on character, collaboration, comedy, and chemistry. Develop a strong “yes and” mentality and work on developing voice, movement, impersonations, playing a musical instrument, singing, etc. (what strengths or talents you possess.)

Eric R. Jensen, a well versed actor, and OBT’s Co-Founder and Artistic Director, with over 30 years of acting is offering his knowledge and talents as an instructor for improv classes that goes for six weeks. Classes are held on Saturday at the OBT from 4 PM – 6 PM.


Time: Saturdays from 4:15 PM to 6 PM.

Location of Classes will either be in Sandy or Draper (TBA)

Class runs  for six weeks and we have orientation on the first week!  Cost is  $200  due on the first day of orientation. If you bring a friend to sign up, you will receive a $25 discount! Payment taken through Square-Up.

As a bonus for registering for his improv classes, you will receive 2 Complimentary passes to see any improv show or play produced by The Off Broadway Theatre during our 2022 Season.

Classes will be held once we have 10 or more students signed up. Payment arrangements can be made with Sandy Jensen. Call her to sign up at 801.455.0954 and fill out this form to be contacted, Thanks!

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Improv  with Eric Jensen!
Date you signed up for a class *
First and Last Name *
What is your cell number? *
What is your Mailing address? Please include the zip code *
Tell us why you want to take this class? What do you hope to gain? *
By filling out this form, you are consenting that the OBT can contact you directly. *
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