The American Restoration Tour: The Church Finds Its Voice
We are thrilled to announce we will be conducting our signature event, The American Restoration Tour, in your state very soon! Over 40,000 people (in-person) have attended one of these events held in 24 states across the country over the course of the last three years!

This will be a multi-state tour with Chad Connelly of Faith Wins joining forces with David Barton of WallBuilders, Lindsey Foundation, and many others to bring a message of Hope, Renewal, and Revival to America's Leading Cities and Churches. It continues to be a great “tag-team” effort featuring America’s premier Christian historian, David, and one of America’s foremost authorities on the faith vote, Chad.  

This event will breathe new life into your understanding of the relevance, power, and influence of the Bible...

As it pertains to our personal lives. 
As it pertains to experiencing revival.
As it pertains to being "salt & light" in our surrounding community. 
As it pertains to dealing with the pressing issues of our day. 
As it pertains to shaping America at our founding. 
And as it pertains to shaping and influencing America in the successive generations since the founding era and still to this day. 

There is no doubt in our minds that God's people in America are waking up and coming alive to what is happening in our nation. Like never before, Christian voices and votes NEED to be heard in our land. 

We invite you to join us on this tour and make an impact. Registration is strongly encouraged to allow our hosts and organizers to prepare properly for attendance.

For more information, please visit
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Join us in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Monday, September 16 at 7:00PM
Presented by Chad Connelly of Faith Wins, David Barton of WallBuilders
Host Pastor: Paul Hoover, Souls Harbor Baptist Church
Location: Souls Harbor Baptist Church - 3800 S. Howell Avenue - Milwaukee, WI 53207
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About Faith Wins
Faith Wins is a 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission of engaging Christians in the public arena. As such, Faith Wins does not endorse candidates for office or political campaigns. The information provided is to provide resourceful information about the elections and should not be construed as endorsing a candidate or campaign.
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