Interest Form - Bronfman Trip to Israel
Bronfman Fellowship Trip to Israel
March 19 - 21, 2024
Cost: $4,000 excluding flight

This three-day experience will be a meaningful opportunity to engage with young Israeli Bronfmanim living in Israel during this time of war – to learn what makes them hopeful, what most worries them, what has helped them stay resilient, and what visions they have for the future. Space is limited - if you would like to participate, please fill out this brief interest form by January 24th. After that deadline, we will follow up with additional details and a link to officially register.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Laura Liebman, Director of Development at 518-708-9687 or We look forward to sharing a transformational experience with you.
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Email *
Full Name *
Mobile Phone *
Are you interested in participating? *
Are you available for our planned dates? *
Programming will take place from March 19th - March 21st. Your hotel room will be available starting the evening of March 18th.
Are you planning to arrive earlier or extend your stay in Israel beyond March 19th - 21st?
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How many people will likely be in your party (including yourself)?
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What are the names of everyone else who is likely to be in your party, and what is their relationship to you?

If you would like to share this opportunity with interested individuals, we would be delighted! Please share their names and emails below so that we can include them in follow up.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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