FILAN VOLUNTEERS - Registration Form

Welcome and thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Filipino Association of Newfoundland & Labrador Inc. (FILAN)! Your support plays a crucial role in helping us achieve our mission and make a positive impact in our community.

As a volunteer, you'll have the opportunity to contribute your time, skills, and passion to a variety of events and activities. Whether you're assisting with event setup, engaging attendees, or providing logistical support, your dedication helps us create meaningful experiences for everyone involved.

Please take a few moments to complete the registration form below. Your responses will help us match you with volunteer opportunities that align with your interests, skills, and availability.

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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Please provide a nickname to be used in case of ID issuance during events.
Contact Number (ex.: 709-123-4567) *
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