2023-2024 GSC Sponsored Housing: QTBIPOC House Application

WELCOME to the GSC House Application for QTBIPOC House!

We are so excited that you are interested in living in QTBIPOC House (Henrickson)! This Identity house community aims to foster a communal, social, and programmatic space for Queer & Trans, Black, Indigenous people, and Students of Color. If chosen to live in the house, residents will work closely with the community's Resident Assistant as well as the GSC to cultivate meaningful opportunities for the residents and the larger QTBIPOC community. Residents of QTBIPOC House will also have the opportunity to collaborate with residents of Rainbow House (Berg) on programming and events.

If you have questions or would like to learn more about what it means to live in an identity based house, check out our webpage, or email the GSC at gsc@carleton.edu!

Who can live in the house? 

Applications submitted by Sophomore, Junior, and Senior students holding QTBIPOC identities will be prioritized in the selection process. Based on the vacancy status during a given term, students who do not hold these identities may be offered a space in the house.

*Please note, students who go on Academic Leave, Study Abroad, or Medical Leave are not guaranteed their original housing assignment upon return. We will work with students as rooms become available.
Important Dates & Deadlines

  • March 1: Applications Open
  • March 31: Applications Close
  • April 3rd-13th: Interview with GSC Professional Staff
  • April 19th: House Offers
  • April 21st: Accept/Decline Deadline

Email: *
First Name *
Last Name *
Class Year *
Do you plan to be on an OCS trip during the 2023-24 academic year? *
Have you previously lived in one of the GSC houses? *
Describe what excites you about living in Henrickson House. *
Living in an identity house does come with added responsibilities in terms of engagement and active participation in the house setting. In what ways would you actively create a community in QTBIPOC House? *
Please describe your vision for the house if you were to become a resident. Consider the following: Social and/or environmental tone, Events for house residents to get to know one another, Type of programs/resources that would be most interesting/helpful to you, Relationship to the GSC,  Involvement with other identity houses.
What else would you like our staff to consider as we review your application?
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