Dealers Contact Form (V A N Ltd)
Be a part of Venkateswara Ayurveda Nilayam Ltd and be a part of the growing Ayurveda wellness industry. If possible we suggest that you visit our place of business in order to have a detailed discussion regarding your distribution request. Please do let us know once you have decided for prior appointment for the discussion with the Managing Director and the Heads of Marketing.
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Contact Person Name *
Agency Name *
Mobile # *
Email ID *
Your Address *
City *
State *
Investment Capacity? *
How many years of experience do you have in the sales of Ayurveda products? *
What kind of Ayurveda knowledge do you have regarding the background of Ayurveda in understanding the usage and mode of action of the medicine?   *
Year of establishment? *
What other Ayurvedic products that you deal with? *
Estimated purchase value of medicines from our company? *
Which products do you specifically want to market? *
Is it specific to a certain disease or all the medicines in general? *
How much of sale can you make per month / quarter / year? *
Please provide your GST # & CST #
Estimated area of coverage? (approximately) *
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