RW2 Tech Careers Chat Registration
Thanks for your interest in participating in the upcoming Tech Careers Chat hosted by Resiliency at Work 2.0 Career and Technical Education (RW2).  Reminder: Thursday, September 29, 6pm - 7pm cst.  
Please complete the following information, check out the scholarship information, if applicable, and save the Zoom link below.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last Name *
Email Address: *
Career Skills and Industry(s) of Interest *
Check all that apply.  AEC = Architecture, Engineering, Construction 
How did you hear about the event? *
Scholarship Opportunity: KC Metro Area Participants
Must be 18 or older, income less than $45,000/yr., live in Cass, Clay, Johnson, Platte, and Wyandotte counties, and have at least a high school diploma or equivalent. Click HERE for the next step.
Individual Payment Plan Agreement (Review)
If the general scholarship criteria is not applicable to you,  click HERE to review information about our no interest payment plans.
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