AWESOME Incursion Enquiry
AWESOME offer bespoke incursions to schools in the Perth metro area throughout the year. We can engage professional local artists to run workshops at your school with a number of art forms to select from.

We like to look at our incursions with a strategic goal in mind, and would love to hear what you’re hoping to achieve from your AWESOME incursion!

Please fill in the form below and someone from our team will be in touch.

Please note: As duty of care, a teacher must be present during the incursion.

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Photo credit: Baynton West PS
AWESOME Arts is an arts not-for-profit charity so we keep costs as low as possible. All artist fees are under the legal award rate from the National Association for Visual Artists (NAVA).

Our workshops are usually structured as a 1-hour, half day or full day workshop. We don’t have a set list of workshops as we build bespoke experiences based on the needs of your students.

Please see artist fee structure below:

MATERIALS: Materials fee is determined by the number of workshops and art form selected.

ADMIN FEE: $300 (includes facilitation, quoting, selection and contracting of artists to best fit your school community).

Please note that a fresh group of students is a new workshop and the artist legally needs to be paid as such.
Your Name *
Email Address *
Contact Number *
School Name *
School Address *
How many students will be participating in the workshop? *
Is it for the whole school, one class or a group of students? Max 30 students per artist, per workshop.
What is the age range of the students? *
Our incursion program is suitable for children aged 0-14.
Do you have a preferred workshop length?
What is your budget?
What is your budget per workshop? Unfortunately we don't split per head.
Is there a particular goal you are wanting to achieve?
Is there a particular area of focus you are wanting to explore?
E.g. Sustainability, intergenerational and multicultural ties to community, exploring community stories.
Is there a particular area of the curriculum you are wanting to explore?
What are some of your students interests?
What are some challenges your students experience?
Is there a particular art form you would like to explore?
Please select as many art forms that interest you. Please note that art forms will be dependant on artist availability.
Where will the incursion take place?
Classroom, art room, undercover area, etc.
Will the artist have access to any resources?
E.g. iPads, projector, art materials, costumes, etc.
When did you want us to deliver this incursion?
Do you have a date or selection of dates in mind?

Please note that due to the AWESOME Festival, we are unable to deliver incursions in September or October.
Any questions or comments
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