Exuma Point Boat Tours Booking Form
All boat tours must be booked in advance online using the form below. We usually respond within 1 hour of receiving booking request. Departure location is The Exuma Point Beach Resort in Rolleville. Location pin https://maps.app.goo.gl/LpWvKMBLwNAgFyfw5. Email exumapointtours@gmail.com or Whatsapp 2428232111 if you need further assistance.
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Primary Booking Contact Name *
Company Name
Mobile Phone *
Email *
Tour *
Number of passengers
Preferred Tour Date *
Preferred Departure Time *
Are dates flexible? *
Select an alternative tour date if dates are flexible. *
Payment Method *
Please select which of the following additional services you require.
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I understand that full payment is due before booking can be confirmed. *
Cancellation Policy

We make the sole decision on the morning of the tour regarding sea and weather conditions.  If we cancel an outing due to inclement weather or poor sea conditions, we give customers the option to reschedule their trip.  If a trip cannot be rescheduled, a full refund will be made.

Booking 15 days prior to your reservation you may cancel and receive a full refund, minus a $25 processing fee.

Bookings 14-7 days prior to your reservation you may reschedule within 30 days, minus a $25 processing fee, but will not receive a refund. If you fail to reschedule within those 30 days, we will not offer a refund.

Book 0-6 days prior to your reservation will not be refunded if cancelled.

We only accept cancellations via email: exumapointtours@gmail.com.

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