Above & Beyond Teacher Leadership Academy 2023-24 Application
For Participants / Early Career Teachers
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone number we can use to text you *
Alternate phone number (optional)
Your home address.  Please use this format - street address, city, state, zip code *
Subject(s) you teach *
Do you teach in a public school?  Our funding allows us to pay only for educators who teach in public schools.  Teachers in private or parochial schools should seek funding from their schools.  *
Full name of the school where you will teach in the 2023-2024 school year.   *
School Address *
Your School Email Address *
Alternate email - Please give us a non school email address that you can use to join our Google classroom. *
Are you willing to participate in a 60 minute virtual meeting or phone call with an Above and Beyond  mentor at least once a month? *
Are you willing to attend a 60-minute TLA webinar each month? *
Would you like to earn CEUs (Continuing Education Credits) from CSU Long Beach? This is not required.  There is a $40 fee. *
Tell us why you want to be considered for a spot in TLA 2023-2024.   *
Do you have any questions for us?  Is there anything else you would like us to know?  
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