2026 YJA Convention Host City Survey
It's already that time: the YJA Executive Board is searching for a host city for the 2026 YJA Convention!

A lot goes into making our biennial convention a success, but the seeds are planted now, over a year in advance. You can help influence where our next YJA Convention will be. 

If you have ideas on which city/Sanghs should host the 2026 YJA Convention, please fill out this short interest form. The form will close on February 10th at 11:59 PM PT. This is a non-binding interest form.

If you have any questions please email projects@yja.org. Thank you for your time!
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Ex. Ilachi Kumar
Phone Number *
ex. 108-108-1008
What is your current student/work status?
Sangh Affiliation *
ex. Jain Society of Greater Atlanta
YJA 2026 Host City Information
Tell us about your city/sangh and why it's the next great city to host the 2026 YJA Convention!
What city do you believe should be the location of the 2026 YJA Convention:
Which Jain Sangh(s) are affiliated with this city?
Why do you think this city would be the best location for #YJA2026?
We are looking for a group of individuals excited about YJA 2026! Tell us about your city and why you love it so much.
How large is the Jain youth community in your proposed Host City?
For a successful 2026 YJA Convention we hope there is a strong youth presence. Please let us know approximately how many individuals there are in your local youth community!
How large is the Jain adult network in your proposed Host City? *
For a successful 2026 YJA Convention we hope there is a strong Jain adult network. Please let us know approximately how many active individuals there are in your area!
Are you interested in helping submit a bid for this city? *
This process entails working with a group to submit an application to the YJA Executive Board, including assessing sangh support, highlighting potential venues, and estimating costs.
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