Best Book Ever Signup
Thank you for your interest in being a guest on the Best Book Ever Podcast.

We don’t reply to every application, but we will contact you if your book is chosen. We keep all applications on file and may contact you in the future, so if you aren’t chosen immediately, there is no need to apply again unless your book choice has changed. I am committed to diverse guests and a wide variety of book genres.
Many people like to ask me which book I think they should choose, and my answer is always the same: it’s not about what I like. It’s about what YOU like, and why you like it. I will never choose a book that is racist or homophobic, but other than that, the show is open to all genres, all reading levels, and all age groups. I look forward to hearing from you!
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Tell me a little bit about yourself
Do you have access to a good internet connection, a headset or microphone, and a quiet room for about an hour?
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Favorite book - name and author
Very briefly - why this is your favorite, what is your connection to this book?
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