Any dates between June 11th 2024  & 7th September 2024
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Name  *
Email *
Select Room & Occupancy
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Arrival date *
What stay length would you like to attend? *
Do you understand that we are a non profit plantbased community, and karma yoga is required of everyone? *
Are you currently using or have struggled with any substance dependancy or mental health issues in the last 5 years? *
Personal info 
Thank you for answering these questions which support us to reduce admin and keep our space safe for everyone to enjoy & heal in. 

I understand that i will recieve a booking form via email once my booking application & availability is approved. 

Your booking wil be held provisionally for 24h for you to return this form, we will then invoice.

I understand that my booking is not confirmed unless i have paid my invoice within 48h of issue

During these times we offer fully changeable dates subject to availability but not refunds
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