School Field Trips to Wagner Natural Area
Submit this form to WNAS to Book a School Field Trip to the Natural Area 
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Name of School
Name of Lead Teacher
Contact Number
Contact Email
Proposed Date of School Field Trip
Alternate Choice of Date of School Trip
Times for Visit (times can be negotiated)
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Buses will Arrive at:
Buses will Leave at:
Grade Level of Students Attending
2-3 Curricular Outcomes that you would like addressed:
Number of Guests Attending (limit of 50)
Number of Supervisors Attending (ratio of 5:1 if under age 7, ratio of 8:1 if age 8-13, ratio of 15:1 if age 14 and over)

Wagner Expectations:

1. There are no garbage receptacles in our natural area. All trash must be carried out. 

2. Snacks or lunches should be eaten on buses. The two hours at Wagner will provide for programming and one bathroom break.

3. There are only outdoor toilets at Wagner. Bring hand sanitizer.

4. There is no running water at Wagner. Students may want to bring a water bottle.

5. Students need to be dress appropriately for learning in all conditions. Our paths are gravel and dirt, we have very little shelter, and there are no chairs/tables. Comfortable shoes (waterproof on wetter days), jackets, hats, sunscreen, and bug repellent are encouraged.

6. A natural area requires respect: no collecting of specimens, stay on paths, no unnecessary noise like shouting, allow other visitors to pass, etc.

7. A prepared visitor will get more from the experience. You may want to share these expectations with your students and parent supervisors.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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