The Big Indie Fantasy Book Bundle - Giveaway!
Hi there! This is a free giveaway for TEN awesome independently published fantasy ebooks. The entry period for the contest is 6/4 to 6/14, at which point we'll select five entrants to receive the free bundle. Your response to this form counts as your entry and all winners will be notified by email. Here are the books in the giveaway:

1. The Castle of 1,000 Doors by Kenny Gould
2. The Exile of Zanzibar by Daniel Maidman
3. Death's Disciple by Emma L. Adams
4. The Price of Power by Michael Michel
5. The Fear of Moncroix by Bryan Asher
6. An Ocean of Others by Joshua Scott Edwards
7. A Dagger in the Winds by Brendan Noble
8. Deathless Beast by Andrew D. Meredith
9. The Crew by Sadir S. Samir
10. Curse of the Fallen by H.C. Newell

Entry into this giveaway means you may be added to each author's email list, though you're welcome to unsubscribe at any time, and your information will not be used for any other purposes (we hate spam as much as you!). 

Thank you for supporting great stories and good luck!
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