LWVAZ Issue Team Volunteers 2025
The state board has approved the 2025 advocacy priorities, and we need your help. Please let us know which state issue teams you would like to join. We will focus our primary efforts on the top four priorities. As always, our capacity to address lower-ranked priorities will depend on available resources, including member engagement, volunteer lobbyist time, intern support, and the prevailing legislative environment.

Overview of the work:
* Identify bills to follow and track them through the legislative process
* Read the bills and research and analyze the implications and impact
* Draft plain English talking points to use in our advocacy and lobbying work, including testimony
* Ancillary support: maintain data, media research, writing

There are many opportunities to contribute. We work collaboratively and provide training and support. We will hold meetings in early Jan. to get everyone started.  If you have questions contact lwvazadvocacy@gmail.com.
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The state board has approved the following advocacy priorities for 2025; please choose the issue team you want to join.   *
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