Community Aid Program | Application
As part of Beirut AI's mission of enabling everyone to have access to the tools & knowledge to apply Artificial Intelligence, our Community Aid Program is about supporting various groups of AI enthusiasts to continue their education and learn more about AI by having FREE access to different programs, on our platforms and our partners' platforms, that will help them learn the data and AI skills they need, online, and at their own pace.

If you are aged 16 years or older, fill this form with all the relevant details for the chance to benefit from the Beirut AI Community Aid Program.

Our team will thoroughly review your application, then inform you of your application status by email.

Note: To keep your access you have to be active and finish at least three courses every three months. 

Make sure to apply using the same email you expect to use for DataCamp and Beirut AI.

Deadline to apply is ongoing

Acceptance to the program might take time depending on availability.

We at Beirut AI believe that innovations especially in the field of generative AI will help us all progress as well as be more productive and successful. However, our optimistic stance regarding tools like ChatGPT doesn't mean that AI should replace our ability to express our thoughts and perspectives. For this reason, usage of ChatGPT-generated text in Beirut AI forms with more than 30% of the submitted text will lead to an immediate discarding of the form response submission.

Good luck!
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