President's Day Referee Availability-February 2024
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First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail *
Phone Number *
Number of Games you want to ref a day
Ref Experience -Just Starting out please pair me with a Referee who can help the first few games
Ref Experience- 10-50 Games 
Ref Experience- 50+
Experienced Referee and can help Mentor New Referees for a few games
Click any Venues you are Willing to Work- U15-U19
Click any Venues you are Willing to Work- U12-U15
Time I can work Friday
Time I can work Saturday
Time I can work Sunday
Time I can work Monday
Age comfortable Centering
Age comfortable Centering
Age comfortable Centering
Age comfortable AR'ing
Age comfortable AR'ing
Age comfortable AR'ing
Would you like to Work as a 4th official - during a break in your games if you are assigned as a 4th official you will be paid $20 a game, if a referee does not show on another field you will need to work the game that is missing a ref, and will be paid the ref fee but not the 4th official fee.
Do you have a ref crew you work with - please provide crew members names
I am a USSF Certified Referee for 2024
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Out of Area Referees - out of State or Tucson, Yuma, Flagstaff, Prescott ect.  if you need a hotel room- fill out google doc below- 4 referees per room, do as soon as possible limited rooms available.  Out of State Referees- Contact me for other requirements.
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Referees Registered in another State - wanting to work the PDT have you done the following
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