Parent/Carer Views: Learning during closure
As an academy, it is important that we take into account views from parents and carers about key events which have affected our students. With this in mind, we would like to gather your views on what we put in place during the last period of enforced closure which began in January 2021.  During this time, you will recall how we launched live lessons for all students in place of uploading work to Google Classroom.  The aim of this was to ensure all students could have a clear structure in place when working from home whilst also accessing the full curriculum. We also added additional activities to all Google Classrooms such as quizzes and challenges to further engage our students. Furthermore, to ensure links were maintained with their tutors, every student was invited to online tutor time at the start of each day. For any students unable to access live lessons, the academy provided a laptop and/or internet access to ensure no-one missed out and fell behind.  In all we issued over 140 laptops to students.  Hopefully, we will not be placed in a similar situation again but we would still like to collate your views and opinions of the approach we took.  
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I believe that moving to live lessons supported my child(ren) with their learning
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I believe that live lessons allowed my child(ren) to access the curriculum whilst at home
I believe that the work set during live lessons was appropriate
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I believe that live lessons ensured that my child(ren) did not fall behind in their learning
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I believe that tutor time helped my child(ren) by maintaining that daily link with their tutor.
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I believe that the academy supported our students' mental health and well-being during this time.
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I believe that support was available for any student who could not access the internet from home.
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I believe that the quality of teaching in live lessons was good.
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Overall, I was pleased with the approach the academy took during the lockdown from January 2021
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Please add any additional comments you would like to share
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