Wolfpack: National Allied Network Mailing List
The National Allied Network is now the National WolfPack… and we’re calling you into the circle.  We’re calling you in, because the climate justice movement needs us all to align and follow Black and Indigenous and local leadership. We’re calling you in, because our water, our energy systems and the land of various ecosystems that we depend on are at stake. We’re calling because our labor and our democracy can no longer be exploited, diminished or devalued.

Calls for the Wolfpack in 2022 will be:
April 12
July 12
October 11

Make sure you are on this list to get updates, call registration information, and more!
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Name *
Organization *
What region does your organization/ work currently focus on?
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Email *
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State (ex: LA) *
Which of the following categories are connected to the work that you do or are most interested in? *
Check all that apply and feel free to construe these options broadly (e.g. housing might be considered "Land", criminal justice might fit into "Labor" etc.)
Are you interested in working on any of the following to advance the National Black Climate Agenda?
Are you interested in engaging around the following actions?
Are you able to support with any of the following identified needs of frontline work?
Are you willing/ able to step into leadership to coordinate other climate justice allies working to support in these area(s)?
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What resources do you want to share with the GCCLP network to advance a National Black Climate Agenda?
Please elaborate on your answers above. Resources to offer includes trainings/ curriculums/ information, capacity for research, access to polling, facilitation of RBGND allied calls, communications support, etc.
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