Whats the job?
WindowSeater has been doing a Beta trial in Thailand. We need someone in Thailand that can help us to...
...GET THE WORD OUT: Tell people about the app so we get people trying it.
...UNDERSTAND OUR USERS: Collecting evidence about what people think about it.
...GO TO NEW PLACES: Take the trains we haven't yet, and find out its stories.
...REPORT ON THE EXPERIENCE: Take photos, videos, and perhaps write a blogs post or two.
SUPERVISION: You can expect regular check-ins with the co-founders, but they won't be there with you.
TIMING: We’re flexible, but it should start as soon as possible. It could be part-time over around a month, or it could be a rather intense week or so. It depends on you.
PAYMENT: Unfortunately, we're not able to offer paid work in Thailand due to legal reasons. We will reimburse all your travel-related costs once in country.
WHAT IS THERE TO LEARN?: Ever wanted to be part of a tech startup? Both Co-Founders are experienced entrepreneurs and startup mentors, and will work with you throughout the Fellowship. We're committed to help you get the most you can out of the experience.