2024-2025 BAOC-Berkeley Mentorship Program Application - Mentors
Thank you for your interest in the BAOC-Berkeley Mentorship Program (BBMP)!

The role of the BBMP mentor is to improve the students' networking and career development experience, and to encourage mentees to get involved in their local optometric society during school and post-graduation.  

The program will run from October 2024 to April 2025. The last day to sign up as a mentor is Friday, September 20, 2024 @11:59PM!

During this program period, we highly encourage our mentors to:
-Attend the Welcome Reception: Sunday, October 6, 2024 @5:30pm at UC Berkeley Minor Hall (more details to come)
-Attend the Closing Reception: April 2025 (Location TBD)(date and time TBD)
-Meet with your mentee(s) at least 2 times, preferably in person (Welcome and Closing Reception can count toward these 2 meetings)
-Maintain good communication with your mentee(s)

The questions below are designed to help us make the most informed mentor-mentee matches.  Please indicate any information you feel would be useful in making these matches! Thank you.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact:

UCBSO Student Representatives:  
Briana Yik (BBMP.Chair@gmail.com)
Samantha Ito (Baoc.Rep@gmail.com)
Anh Nguyen (Baoc.Elect@gmail.com)
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Name *
Email address *
Phone number
What are your preferred modes of communication? *
Affiliated local society *
Practice location(s) *
Years in current practice(s) *
Current type(s) of practice(s) *
Check all that apply.
Areas of clinical interest in the practice(s) *
Check all that apply.
Do you have previous experience in any other type of practice? *
Check all that apply.
What is your preferred number of mentees for the 2023-2024 cycle? *
How often would you feel comfortable communicating with your mentee? *
Would you be comfortable meeting with your mentee in person? (for example, allowing them to shadow you or meet up with them for dinner) *
Additional involvement in optometry
(for example, residency, conferences regularly attended, FAAO, international service trips, etc)
Involvement outside of optometry
(for example, PTA, volunteering, school board, church, etc)
Hobbies and interests: what do you like doing in your free time?
(sports, music, traveling, crocheting, etc)
What do you hope to gain from the mentor-mentee relationship? *
(for example, potential intern, mentoring experience, getting more students involved in legislative optometry, educating students about practice options, etc)
Will you be able to attend the following events in Berkeley? *
This question is not binding. We would just like to get a sense of your availability on these dates.
Any questions, comments, or concerns?
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