Aloha Velo Hawaii Group Ride Participant
Group Ride Waiver
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Welcome to the Brompton Family!
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Please select your comfort level when cycling in Oahu
Totally uncomfortable / Haven't biked on the road yet
"I am one with the bicycle and traffic"
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Please select the Group Ride you wish to participate in *

Waiver & Indemnity Agreement:
(Sign Below)
I am 16 years or older. I understand, agree and represent (for myself, assigns, heirs, personal representatives, and next of kin) that: (a) The Brompton Group Ride will be on public or private roads, parks, paths, and trails which may be open to vehicles where many hazards can be expected. I can be seriously injured, permanently disabled, paralyzed, or die. I will read, listen and follow safety instructions and warnings on the course, during the workshop, and wherever the Activity/Event is held are conducted.  (b) I am qualified, in good health and proper physical condition to participate. If I have a past or current condition that could affect my ability to participate safely, I have consulted a medical doctor to provide clearance for me to participate. I am personally responsible and will use my own judgment for my safety. If conditions are unsafe I will immediately stop participating. I accept and assume the risk of injury, caused by me, and the negligence of others on the course, during the workshop, or wherever the activity/event occurs, including risks and social/economic losses not known or readily foreseeable at this time. (c) I release, discharge, and agree not to sue the following: Aloha Velo, Aloha Velo employees, directors, members, volunteers, participants, sponsors, supporters, and owners/lessors/lessees/licensees of land where the Aloha Velo workshops and activities/events take place. If a claim involves me, I will indemnify, save and hold harmless each of the releasees from litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liability, damage, or costs. (d) I give free use of my name, voice, or picture in any broadcast, advertising, or other account of this event.  (e) I have read and understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing this agreement and accept this waiver.  Please enter your signature by typing your name below:
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