CSC Pro Pass Application Form
The following form is to apply for a Pro Pass at Chicagoland Skydiving Center. Once your form is complete you will receive an email copy and we will be in contact within a few days. Please email us with any questions at
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Email *
Full Name (First & Last) *
USPA License or Membership Number (or equivalent organization) *
Number of Jumps *
Do you plan to live at CSC full-time during the season? *
How many jumps to you plan to make during this season at CSC? (please approximate) *
What kind of Propass are you applying for? *
If applying for the 30-day Pro Pass, please tell us your start date
Are you qualified for, and looking to help with any of the following?
Facebook profile link (if not on FB, put none) *
Instagram handle (if not on Insta, put none) *
Pro Pass season memberships expire October 31st. Application required, CSC reserves the right to deny this offer to anyone for any reason. Members must adhere to safety regulations set forth by the FAA, USPA, and CSC. Members must be licensed to jump in the United States, per the rules of USPA. Memberships apply to jumps from Sky Team Aviation, Inc. (CSC) aircraft while flying at Chicagoland Skydiving Center. Specialty aircraft slots excluded. Aircraft minimums apply. Jumps are non-transferable. Refunds or early cancellations at the discretion of CSC management and will typically result in jumps made billed at retail rate. Members are not entitled to an additional altitude pass on any given load, but may exit on any scheduled pass, up to 14,000'. Membership does not include back-to-back loads without a shutdown or pre-manifesting. CSC reserves the right to cancel a membership for any reason including, but not limited to, illegal activity on the airport or behavior deemed inappropriate by CSC management. Other restrictions may apply.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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