Foundation Volunteer Application
Griffith Observatory Foundation is the exclusive non-profit partner of Griffith Observatory. Foundation volunteers are critical to the success of our mission to fundraise and advocate on behalf of this inspiring institution.

We welcome and encourage individuals of all backgrounds and abilities to apply. We select our volunteers based on the following criteria: 1) an applicant's commitment, dependability, and desire to be of service, and 2) the needs of the organization.

All volunteers will be registered with the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. Volunteers must be fingerprinted and cleared by the City prior to beginning any volunteer work.

Volunteers must be at least 18 years old and able to volunteer at events at Griffith Observatory or within the greater Los Angeles area. There are no virtual, remote volunteer opportunities. Volunteers must be available year-around. We do not offer summer-only volunteering programs.

Foundation volunteer tasks do NOT involve any kind of interpretive work of the museum exhibits or astronomy. The Observatory has Museum Guides and Telescope Demonstrators to fulfill this need. If that work is of interest to you, please check current Observatory employment opportunities here:
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Are you 18 years of age or older? 
Are you available to volunteer in-person at Griffith Observatory or within the greater Los Angeles area?
Code of Conduct

In addition to our enthusiasm for public astronomy, Griffith Observatory Foundation volunteers, members, and other stakeholders share a dedication to the greater good and a hopeful vision for the future. Griffith Observatory Foundation welcomes and celebrates everyone. In furtherance of this common mission, all participants are expected to conduct themselves, on and off the hill, with respect for the planet and all its residents. Conduct that is offensive or damaging to others, in real-life or online, will not be tolerated by Griffith Observatory Foundation. 

Do You Agree?
First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Email Address *
Primary Phone *
Emergency Contact First and Last Name *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Volunteer Opportunities *
Please check all areas of interest.
Are You a Griffith Observatory Foundation Member? Though, not required, we encourage volunteers to also be members of the Foundation. Learn more about membership here: *
Why would you like to volunteer with Griffith Observatory Foundation? *
What do you hope to gain from this volunteer experience? *
How did you find out about this volunteer program? *
If you are a past/present volunteer for a Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks facility, please provide the facility name and date of your most recent volunteering.
If you have volunteered at an organization before, how did you contribute as a volunteer and what was your favorite part of volunteering? *
Languages Spoken *
Educational Background *
Special Interests/Skills *
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