Customer Communities AI Features Waitlist
We are so excited to announce we are opening up a waitlist for our latest AI features - Email Generator, Content Assist, and Tag Assist. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Company *
Username on the inSpired Community *
Username is needed in order to add you to the Beta Group on inSpired when you're enrolled in the Beta.
Community Instance ID
Please fill in your Instance ID (eg. company-en, product-us, etc.). This can be found in your Control URL before
Please confirm that you consent to Gainsight using Microsoft Corporation as a subprocessor, with host servers in the United States and EU, to deliver the subscription services related to the Customer Communities AI features.

Please note that none of your data will be shared with OpenAI as a result of participation in the POC for these features.

For more information on the Subprocessor, click here
We ask that every early access user provides feedback to us on their experience (what worked well, where did you run into issues, how was the usability, what important enhancements would you like to see added, etc).

Are you able to commit to providing feedback at the end of the early access program via our Survey?
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As a participant of this Early Access program, we would like to acknowledge there are some things that may not work 100% perfectly.

Are you comfortable and willing to participate knowing this? 
Do you have availability and interest at this time to participate in the Early Access? *
Upon reviewing the enablement materials, which AI feature are you looking forward to most?
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