2025 Saratoga Book Festival Author Submission

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Friends of the Saratoga Springs 2025 Saratoga Book Festival. Our dates this year will be October 2-5. This year's application deadline is May 28. Should you be selected to participate, we will reach out to you no later than June. 

After you have completed the form, please email a high resolution photo of the author and book cover, and an author bio in MS Word or PDF Format, to sbfprograms@fsspl.org. Thank you!

* Indicates required question
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Please tell us which of the following best describes you *
First Name *
Last Name *
Contact Name (if different from the Author)
Contact Email Address *
Contact Phone Number *
Contact Address *
Book Title *
Genre *
Is your book intended for *
Publisher *
Please provide a short description of your book *
Please provide a brief author biography *
Have you had experience speaking in public about your book?  *
Please provide any relevant links (reviews, videos, etc.)
Please indicate the author's availability on October 4th and 5th, 2025 *
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