Final CDL Theory Exam
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test *
While driving you are looking ahead of your vehicle. How should you be looking? *
2 points
If you drive on wet or slick roadways while using the cruise control, the cruise control can cause a loss of control of the vehicle: *
2 points
Most serious skids are a result of: *
2 points
When you are driving at night, you should: *
2 points
When you are driving through a construction zone, you should: *
2 points
If you break down on a level , straight, four-lane, divided highway, where should you place the reflective warning triangles? *
2 points
Which of the following should you do when dealing with a tailgater? *
2 points
When coupling to a trailer, you should do a tug test? *
2 points
Controlled braking is: *
2 points
Which of the following is true? *
2 points
Which of the following statements about backing a commercial vehicle to a dock is NOT true? *
2 points
Alcohol use impairs: *
2 points
What is hydroplaning? *
2 points
Which of the following conditions may produce a skid? *
2 points
If a state or federal inspector determines that your vehicle is unsafe, it will be placed out of service: *
2 points
The braking effect of the engine is greatest when: *
2 points
Convex (curved) mirrors will: *
2 points
Before entering a curve you should: *
2 points
Which of the following happens when a drive tire blows at highway speed? *
2 points
What is the purpose of pre and post-trip inspections? *
2 points
Which of the following statements is true? *
2 points
Aggressive driving is: *
2 points
Which of the following statements about cases of vehicle fires is true? *
2 points
Can federal inspectors inspect your truck? *
2 points
Alcohol use can? *
2 points
When travelling down a long downgrade, you should always: *
2 points
When changing lanes, you should: *
2 points
If a driver finds an unsafe defect during an inspection it is okay to operate a CMV if their manager tells them to do so. *
2 points
A CMV does NOT have to proceed into an open weigh station if they are not loaded? *
2 points
A drivers hours of service are restricted to a maximum of: *
2 points
A driver has up to ____ hours to take a 30-minute break during their on-duty period. *
2 points
When approaching an intersection with a railroad crossing and it has a red light in the direction you are going, if there is not enough room for your vehicle to stop without being on the tracks you should: *
2 points
A driver is required to pass a DOT physical examination at a maximum of every: *
2 points
Diesel, oil and coolant leaks/spills are hazardous chemicals that must be reported immediately. *
2 points
Extra fuses and emergency triangles are required safety equipment before operating a CMV. *
2 points
You will be placed out of service for 24 hours if your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is: *
2 points
When operating a CMV you should be scanning how far ahead of your vehicle? *
2 points
Perception distance, reaction distance and braking distance are the measurement of your total stopping distance? *
2 points
What should you watch for in construction zones? *
2 points
Which of these is true about notifying authorities after an accident occurs? *
2 points
Extra care is needed to keep your vehicle centered in your lane because commercial vehicles: *
2 points
Air lines on a combination vehicle are often colored to keep them from getting mixed up. The emergency line is ______ and the service line is ______ . *
2 points
You are about to back your tractor under a semi-trailer. The trailer is at the right height when the: *
2 points
How much space should be between the upper and lower fifth wheel after coupling? *
2 points
It takes less distance to come to a stop with an empty trailer. *
2 points
In a double left turn lane, a tractor trailer should always begin and end the turn from the outside lane. *
2 points
If you swing wide to the left before turning right another vehicle may try to pass you on the right. *
2 points
When driving at night you should dim your bright lights within ______ of an oncoming vehicle. *
2 points
When driving through fog you should: *
2 points
Wet brakes can cause your CMV to: *
2 points
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