Yezcoin Referring Program Form
If you have invited friends to join Yezcoin airdrop, complete this form to claim your reward.

Referring Rules:
1. Join
2. You must submit KYC on
3. Confirm you join our airdrop and complete this (
4. Do not cheat or submit fake names and emails in this form. You will be disqualified.
5. Fill the form with correct names and emails of friends you invited.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full Names: *
Telegram ID: *
Did you join our airdrop and fill the form ( *
#1  Friend's Name: *
#1 Friend's Email: *
#2 Friend's Name:
#2 Friend's Email:
#3 Friend's Name:
#3 Friend's Email:
#4 Friend's Name:
#4 Friend's Email:
#5 Friend's Name:
#5 Friend's Email:
#6 Friend's Name:
#6 Friend's Email:
#7 Friend's Name:
#7 Friend's Email:
#8 Friend's Name:
#8 Friend's Email:
#9 Friend's Name:
#9 Friend's Email:
#10 Friend's Name:
#10 Friend's Email:
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