Submit Your Neglected AI Alignment Agendas
AE Studio is currently in the process of compiling a core list of the most promising neglected approaches and is actively soliciting input from the alignment community.

We will be more formally pursuing this initiative in the near future, awarding some small prizes to the most promising suggestions. Please submit any strong alignment agenda/project/idea that you think is both promising and neglected. 

Please note that we are primarily interested in collecting the best set of creative, neglected, promising approaches to alignment—it is totally fine if you do not have the bandwidth to actually implement your idea(s) on your own, and we still hope you submit your idea(s)!

There will be space to note if it should be kept private due to potential info/exfohazards.
Email *
Name *
Please summarize your neglected alignment agenda idea in 200 characters or fewer. *
Feel free to elaborate on the above in as much detail as you'd like here [optional]
This agenda should be treated as an infohazard [if yes or potentially, it will be kept confidential] *
I would like this submission to be automatically considered for AE's upcoming contest for the most promising neglected alignment directions. *
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