Enrol in Activity Leader
Enrolment form for The Transcend Level 2 Award in Leading Inclusive Physical Activities in Inclusive Martial Arts (free trial, when available).
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Learner Name *
Please detail any medical conditions *
[Sports equity] What is your ethnicity?
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Do you consider yourself to have a disability? If yes, please describe the nature of your disability. *
Health Decleration *
I am in good health and considered capable to take part in this course. I have completed the medical details and consent so that in the event of any illness/accident, a suitably qualified person can administer any necessary treatment to me. I also accept that there are risks associated with taking part in training and sports events and that the coach/tutor will take every precaution to minimise those risks. I give consent to Ikkaido to take photos of the person named on this form and to use them for the purpose of promoting physical activity.I have read & understood the lkkaido's Course Booking Terms & Conditions.
Is anyone else helping or supporting you to complete this course? *
Email *
This is the email we'll use to contact you about the course.
Phone number *
This is the phone number we'll use to contact you about the course.
Learner Address *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
I am able to use WhatsApp *
Leaders and participants on this course will use WhatsApp to communicate. Let us know if you'd prefer a different method of contact.
Learner Date of Birth *
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