5. Do you speak a language other than English at home?
7. What is your highest level of education completed?
10. What type of content do you enjoy the most from the National Library? (Select all that apply)
11. What topics would you like to see more of on the National Library's social media channels? (Select all that apply)
12. Which social media platforms would you prefer to engage with from the National Library in the future? (Please select all that apply)
13. What type of digital content would you most like to engage with from the National Library on social channels? (Select all that apply)
14. What type of Australian cultural topics would you like to see more of on our social channels? (Select all that apply)
15. How likely are you to engage with content created by everyday Australians who post it on the National Library digital channels? (e.g., user stories, photos, videos etc.)
16. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the National Library's social media content?
18. The National Library will be running some online focus groups with members of our community in the coming weeks to find out a little bit more about your needs from our content online. If you wish to participate in these focus groups, please leave your email address in the field below and we will reach out for further information. These email addresses will not be used for unsolicited communication.
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