We need your expertise!

The Santa Cruz County Office of Education is inviting the brightest local minds in education to join us for a Dynamic Learning Think Tank.  This invitation-only group is seeking innovators like yourself to discuss successes, challenges and hopes for education.

We will be holding our next meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, March 8 from 4:00-5:30.  This special meeting will focus primarily on Artificial Intelligence and its implications for teaching and learning.  

You will receive a confirmation email and the Zoom link shortly after completing this form.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
My District *
Position *
If applicable, what grade span do you teach? *
Do you have any burning questions regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or ChatGPT?
Do you have any other burning questions or topics related to teaching that you would like to discuss with educators from across Santa Cruz County? 
Would you be willing to share a tip during our "Demo Slam"? (It's just 3 minutes to share something that you've had success with in your classroom).
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If you're willing to share, what are you thinking of sharing about?
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