Radix Grants Program Application Form

Please fill out this form to provide key details about your project and the support you need from RDX Works to help it succeed. Your responses will help to understand how to collaborate best to enhance your project's impact and success.

Email *
Founder Name *
Please provide your full name.
Founder Email *
Enter your email address for communication purposes.
Founder Telegram Handle
Share your Telegram handle for direct contact (e.g., @YourHandle).
Project Name *
Website (if applicable)
If your project has a website, please provide the link.
Project description *
Provide a brief overview of your project in two sentences.
What specific support would you like to receive to help your project succeed? *
Describe the type of support you’re seeking (e.g., funding, technical assistance, marketing, other).
How will a grant help you? *
Explain how receiving this support will help your project achieve greater impact or success.

Please confirm that you agree to the RDX Works Privacy Notice.


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